Tuesday, September 3, 2024

WebMethods Enterprise Service Bus Platform (ESB)

 WebMethods is a comprehensive integration platform that offers a suite of components to address various integration needs.

July 1, 2024 -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced it has completed its acquisition of StreamSets and webMethods from Software AG after receiving all required regulatory approvals. The acquisition brings together leading capabilities in integration, API management and data ingestion.

WebMethods Products:

1. webMethods Integration Server (WIS): The core integration platform, providing a robust and  scalable solution for connecting applications, data, and services.
2. webMethods BPM: A business process management (BPM) tool for modeling, automating, and optimizing business processes.
3. webMethods B2B Integration: A solution for managing business-to-business (B2B) transactions and data exchange.
4. webMethods Cloud Integration: A cloud-based platform for integrating applications and data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
5. webMethods API Management: For designing, building, managing, and monetizing APIs.
6. webMethods Universal Messaging: A messaging platform for reliable and scalable communication between applications.
7. webMethods SOA Suite: A comprehensive suite of tools for service-oriented architecture (SOA) development and management. 

webMethods Integration Server (WIS)

Core Components:

* Integration Server: The central component that orchestrates and manages integration processes.

* Designer: A graphical development environment for creating and editing integration flows.

* Deployer: A tool for deploying integration flows to the Integration Server.

* Monitor: A console for monitoring the status and performance of integration processes.

Integration Services:

* Adapters: Connect to various systems, such as databases, messaging systems, and web services.

* Transformers: Transform data between different formats and structures.

* Mappers: Map data between different schemas.

* Routers: Route messages to different destinations based on specific criteria.

* Callouts: Invoke external services or processes.

* Error Handlers: Handle errors and exceptions that occur during integration processes. Additional Components:

* Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive data.

* Performance Optimization Tools: Optimize integration processes for speed and efficiency.

* Clustering and High Availability Features: Ensure reliability and scalability.

webMethods BPM

Core Components:

BPM Server: The central component that orchestrates and manages

business processes.

Process Designer: A graphical development environment for creating and

editing business process models.

Process Repository: A repository for storing and managing business process


Task Manager: A tool for assigning and managing tasks within business


Integration Services:

BPM Adapters: Connect to various systems, such as databases, messaging

systems, and web services.

BPM Transformers: Transform data between different formats and structures.

BPM Mappers: Map data between different schemas.

BPM Routers: Route tasks and messages to the appropriate destinations

based on specific criteria.

Additional Components:

Business Rules Engine: A tool for defining and applying business rules within business processes.

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) Support: Enables event-based triggering and

coordination of business processes.

Analytics and Reporting Tools: Track the performance and efficiency of

business processes.

Mobile and Cloud Integration: Support for integrating business processes

with mobile devices and cloud-based applications.

webMethods B2B Integration

The webMethods B2B Integration platform offers a comprehensive set of components

to manage business-to-business (B2B) transactions and data exchange. Here are

some of the key components:

Core Components:

B2B Server: The central component that orchestrates and manages B2B transactions.

Trading Partner Management: A tool for managing trading partner information,

agreements, and communications.

Document Repository: A repository for storing and managing B2B documents.

B2B Gateway: A secure gateway for exchanging B2B messages with trading partners.

Integration Services:

B2B Adapters: Connect to various B2B communication protocols, such as EDI, AS2,

and FTP.

B2B Transformers: Transform B2B documents between different formats and


B2B Mappers: Map B2B documents to and from internal business systems.

B2B Routers: Route B2B messages to the appropriate trading partners based on specific criteria.

B2B Error Handlers: Handle errors and exceptions that occur during B2B transactions.

Additional Components:

Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive data.

Performance Optimization Tools: Optimize B2B transactions for speed and efficiency.

Monitoring and Reporting Tools: Track the status and performance of B2B transactions.

webMethods Cloud Integration 

Core Components:

Cloud Integration Platform: The central component that orchestrates and manages cloud

integration processes.

Cloud Integration Designer: A graphical development environment for creating and editing cloud

integration flows.

Cloud Integration Deployer: A tool for deploying cloud integration flows to the Cloud Integration


Cloud Integration Monitor: A console for monitoring the status and performance of cloud

integration processes.

Integration Services:

Cloud Adapters: Connect to various cloud-based systems, such as SaaS applications, cloud

storage, and cloud databases.

Cloud Transformers: Transform data between different formats and structures.

Cloud Mappers: Map data between different schemas.

Cloud Routers: Route messages to different destinations based on specific criteria.

Cloud Callouts: Invoke external cloud-based services or processes.

Cloud Error Handlers: Handle errors and exceptions that occur during cloud integration


Additional Components:

Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive


Performance Optimization Tools: Optimize cloud integration processes for speed and efficiency.

Hybrid Connectivity: Support for connecting to on-premises systems and applications.

Multi-Cloud Support: Support for integrating across multiple cloud platforms.

webMethods API Management

Core Components:

API Gateway: The central component that acts as a proxy for API requests and provides

security, rate limiting, and other governance features.

Developer Portal: A web-based portal for developers to discover, learn about, and

consume APIs.

API Designer: A tool for creating and managing API definitions, including

Swagger/OpenAPI specifications.

API Manager: A console for managing API lifecycle, including publishing, versioning, and


Integration Services:

API Adapters: Connect to backend systems and services.

API Transformers: Transform data between different formats and structures.

API Routers: Route API requests to the appropriate backend services.

API Error Handlers: Handle errors and exceptions that occur during API calls.

Additional Components:

Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect APIs.

Analytics Tools: Track API usage, performance, and monetization metrics.

Monetization Tools: Create and manage API plans and pricing.

Developer Tools: Provide SDKs, code samples, and documentation to help developers

use APIs.

webMethods Universal Messaging 

Core Components:

UM Server: The central component that orchestrates and manages messaging processes.

UM Broker: A messaging broker that facilitates communication between message producers and consumers.

UM Message Store: A repository for storing messages.

UM Administration Console: A console for managing UM configurations and monitoring messaging activities.

Messaging Services:

Message Producers: Create and send messages to the messaging broker.

Message Consumers: Receive and process messages from the messaging broker.

Message Channels: Define the communication paths between message producers and consumers.

Message Transformers: Transform messages between different formats and structures.

Message Routers: Route messages to the appropriate destinations based on specific criteria.

Message Error Handlers: Handle errors and exceptions that occur during messaging processes.

Additional Components:

Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive data.

Performance Optimization Tools: Optimize messaging processes for speed and efficiency.

Clustering and High Availability Features: Ensure reliability and scalability.

Integration with Other webMethods Products: Integrate with other webMethods products, such as Integration Server and BPM.

webMethods SOA Suite 

The webMethods SOA Suite is a comprehensive suite of tools for service-oriented architecture (SOA) development and management. It includes components from various webMethods products, such as Integration Server, BPM, B2B Integration, and API Management. Some of the key components of the SOA Suite include:

• Integration Server: The core integration platform for connecting applications, data, and services.

• BPM: A business process management (BPM) tool for modeling, automating, and optimizing business processes.

• B2B Integration: A solution for managing business-to-business (B2B) transactions and data exchange.

• API Management: For designing, building, managing, and monetizing APIs.

• Universal Messaging: A messaging platform for reliable and scalable communication between applications.

• Designer: A graphical development environment for creating and editing integration flows, business processes, and API definitions.

• Deployer: A tool for deploying integration flows, business processes, and APIs to the appropriate servers.

• Monitor: A console for monitoring the status and performance of integration processes, business processes, and APIs.

• Security Services: Implement authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive data.

• Performance Optimization Tools: Optimize integration processes, business processes, and APIs for speed and


• Clustering and High Availability Features: Ensure reliability and scalability.

The SOA Suite provides a unified platform for developing,

deploying, and managing SOA-based solutions, enabling

organizations to achieve greater agility, flexibility, and efficiency. 

webMethods Adapter - An adapter is a pre-built plugin to connect to a target system, to access its data, execute certain remote operations and more. webMethods has a suite of adapters

         Adapter for Apache HBase

         Adapter for Apache Cassandra

         Adapter for Apache Kafka

         Ariba Supplier on Ramp

         AS/400 Adapter

         BigData Driver

         Content Integration Adapter

         EntireX Adapter

         Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans

         Adapter for HDFS

         Adapter for IBM Power

         Adapter for JDBC

         Adapter for JMS

         Lotus Notes Adapter

         Package for Microsoft .NET

         Adapter for MongoDB

         MSMQ Adapter

         Adapter for OFTP

         OnRamp for Commerce One MarketSite Adapter

         Adapter for OPC

         Oracle Applications Adapter

         PeopleSoft Adapter

         PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter

         Remedy Adapter

         Adapter for Salesforce

         SAP Adapter

         Siebel Adapter

         SOPERA Adapter

         Tamino Adapter

         Adapter for Terracotta DB

         Tuxedo Adapter

         WebSphere MQ Adapter

         X.400 Adapter

         XI Adapter