Sunday, April 29, 2018

What is React Native?

What is React Native?
- React Native libraries were announced by Facebook in 2015, providing the React architecture to native iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform applications
- Framework for build mobile apps
- Build cross platform apps
- React native apps are not hybrid apps
- React native not run inside a webView
- Faster than Cordova/PhoneGap/ Ionic
- Open Source
- Develop using java script
- Application has the same look & feel of the same native apps.

How to start?

Download and install Node JS (~ 12 MB)
Download React Libraries [Shell command]
npm install -g react-native-cli
Download Yarn [Optinal],  npm install –g yarn
(increase create new project performance by cache packages)

Development IDE (Visual Studio Code) (~34 MB)

React extension tools to the IDE

Install Genymotion simulator

Start First project

Create new project with name “myProject1” in the current active directory [Shell Commands]

react-native   init   myProject1
cd   myProject1
react-native   start                    to compile

React-native run-android        to run on device
React-native run-ios

React-native log-android        to get console.log

React-native-cli VS react-native init

React Native is distributed as two npm packages
react-native-cli a lightweight package that should be installed globally
npm install -g react-native-cli
react-native contains the actual React Native framework code and is installed locally into your project when you run
react-native init

Develop react-native applications without install anything on your machine ?

Download the Expo app on your mobile
Scan the QR code through Expo application
You are ready now!

Develop on machine, Test on mobile

Download Expo mobile application

Create new React native application using the next shell commands
 npm i -g create-react-native-app
 create-react-native-app myProject2
 cd myProject2
 npm start            (to run in simulator: npm run android)

you will get QR code, scan it with Expo mobile app and you will be ready!
For more information visit:

Best UI Kit for React Native

We need Nativebase for better GUI
open VS IDE then Ctrl+P and type
ext install nativebase-snippets

To add Nativebase to the current project
npm install native-base --save
react-native link

React Navigation  is easy-to-use navigation solution

to Install the react-navigation package in your React Native project.

yarn add react-navigation
# or with npm
# npm install --save react-navigation

Starting file 
After create new project, you will find "App.js" file which is the start file with sample code

Best React Native Resources 

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