Thursday, May 3, 2018

Install Solr and upgrade old Solr version

Step 1. First, Install Java.
Because solr are Java based softwares we need the Java environment (As it is advised in the Solr wiki : prefere a full JDK to a simple JRE.)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
Step 3 – Setup JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME Variable
nano /etc/environment
add two new lines


reboot then

to validate run  echo $JAVA_HOME

Install Default Solr version 

sudo add-apt-repository universe

Option 1: Install Solr with Tomcat
sudo apt-get install solr-tomcat
Option 2: Install Solr with Jetty
sudo apt-get install solr-jetty
Open the URL http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/, if your tomcat is listen on port 8080.

if you get error during installation
tomcat7[4983]:  * no JDK or JRE found - please set JAVA_HOME

then do the next steps

nano  /etc/default/tomcat7
add this line

change default tomcat port using the next command
nano /etc/tomcat7/server.xml
  • Search "Connector port" and replace 8080 with any new port

sudo apt-get remove solr-tomcat
sudo apt-get remove solr-jetty 
sudo apt-get remove tomcat7-common
sudo apt autoremove

Install Specific version of Solr

1) Install Java
2) Get the URL from
3) Run the next commands

For Solr version 7.3.0

steps: download the package then extract one file from compressed package then call this file and pass compressed folder as prameter

cd ~
tar xzf solr-7.3.0.tgz solr-7.3.0/bin/ --strip-components=2
sudo bash ./  solr-7.3.0.tgz

For Solr version 5.3.1

cd ~
tar xzf solr-5.3.1.tgz solr-5.3.1/bin/ --strip-components=2
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./ solr-5.3.1.tgz


For Solr version 4.10.4

tar -xvf solr-4.10.4.tgz
cp -R solr-4.10.4/example /opt/solr
cd /opt/solr
java -jar start.jar

Solr will be active in the next URL   Open the URL http://your_server_ip:8983/solr

Uninstall via
sudo service solr stop
sudo rm -r /var/solr
sudo rm -r /opt/solr-5.3.1
sudo rm -r /opt/solr
sudo rm /etc/init.d/solr
sudo deluser --remove-home solr
sudo deluser --group solr

Use following commands to Start, Stop and check the status of Solr service.
sudo service solr stop
sudo service solr start
sudo service solr status

Create First Solr Collection
sudo su - solr -c "/opt/solr/bin/solr create -c TestCollection1 -n data_driven_schema_configs"
this will create new folder with name TestCollection1  in the path /var/solr/data

For more information check

Upgrade old Solr version

use the next script


Script to Upgrade old indices from 3.x -> 4.x -> 5.x -> 6.x format, 
so it can be used with Solr 6.x or 7.x
Usage: ./ [-s] [-t target-ver] <indexdata-root>

Example: ./ -s -t 6 /opt/solr

Solr upgradeindex

Importing/Indexing database (MySQL or SQL Server) in Solr using Data Import Handler

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