Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Kubernetes commands

Create new pod based on nginx version 1.10.0 image
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0

List available pods 
$ kubectl get pods

Create service to allow connecting to the existing pod listen to port 80
$ kubectl expose deployments nginx --port 80 --type loadBalancer

List available services
$ kubectl get services

Create pods based on ymal file
$ kubectl create   -f    pods/monolith.yaml

Working with one POD

List available pods to get pod name
$ kubectl get pods

Get Pod details 
$ kubectl describe pods <<Pod Name>>

Forward traffic from a given host port to pod port
$ kubectl port-forward <<Pod Name>>  <<Host Port >> : <<Pod Port >>

View Pod Logs
$ kubectl logs <<Pod Name>>

View Pod Logs stream in realtime
$ kubectl logs -f  <<Pod Name>>

Login to shell inside a Pod

$ kubectl exec <<Pod Name >>   --stdin    --tty   -c <<Pod Name >> /bin/sh

To logout from Pod SSH 
$ exit


Working with group of PODs (using Services)

Sample service yaml configuration file

Notes: we select the pods that will affected by this service using "selector" section

Create Service based on yaml file 
$ kubectl create -f services/monolith.yaml

Select Pods based on selection criteria (pods that has some labels) 
$ kubectl get pods -l "app=monolith, secure=enabled"

Add label to exist pod
$ kubectl label pods << Pod Name >>  "Lable1 = Value1"


List of available commands

how to do individual tasks step by step

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