Common Web Portal Architecture Diagram
On Premises vs Cloud Computing
How to use Azure APP Service?
Azure APP Service supports .net, java, go, python, node js, Ruby, and PHP
Azure Database Service
Azure storage account
Azure Storage Account types
- Blob Storage: Save all kind of file
- File Storage: the same as Blob Storage but support SMB protocol to allow attach it for Read/Write on a containers
- Table Storage: No SQL data store
- Queue Storage: Async Message
Storage Account Endpoints
Type of Blobs
Block Blob: store text and binary, max size 4.75TB
Page Blob: Random read and write operation, max size 8TB, support attach to azure VM
Append Blob: optimized for append, Only appended blocks, max size 195 GB
Blobs Access Tiers
Hot Storage Tier: when data is accessed frequently, storage cost: high, access cost: low
Cold Storage Tier: for infrequent access, storage cost: low, Access cost: high
Archive Storage Tier: for rare access, storage cost: lowest, access cost: highest
Azure Cognitive Search
Support FTS from data sources like SQL Server, Cosmos DB, Blob Storage, Table Storage….
Cognitive Search create searchable information out of unstructured contents by attaching AI to indexing pipeline.
Use case:
extract all articles that speak about UAE form all printed newspapers around the world.
We can provide you, scanned newspapers’ images.
The main problem, that you do not know Chinese, Japanese, Turkish…
Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles
monolithic ---> Layered - SOA ---> Microservices ---> Event-Driven Architecture
use to create the system architect chart
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